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Friday, May 7, 2010

Cowboys, Report In

If you guys really wanna do this, that is. Could be fun, probably just gay. A couple of times in IRC I've brought up the idea to have everyone dress in something cowboy-related or otherwise oldtimey and send me a picture. People have been surprisingly supportive but have yet to send me anything. If I get some, I'll post them and call it like, "Bronanza Cowboy Yearbook" or something.

Good/bad/gay idea?


  1. BaGay. Also, is that a real gun?

  2. Lawl, no. OK then, if no one wants to play dress-up with me. :(

  3. Fucking ay, doods!!! Here's one line that's gonna make you jizz your pants if you participated in our IRC discussion earlier!!!

    "we'll be revealing all the Red Dead Rockstar Social Club features early next week - stay tuned!"

    FUCKING AY!!!!!!!!!! CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. I don't have a cowboy hat, or I might dress up. =P

  5. Don't worry EC, i'll get to it eventually.

  6. I need a cowboy hat first, I have the perfect revolver for it though.

  7. How explicit can these photos be?

    I have a pair of assless chaps.
